Investment Recovery:
Are your funds stuck in MBA Forex with no hope of recovery? We may be able to help Click Here Now to Learn More   |   Did you invest in BARA Finance and Investment Limited, and need help with your capital recovery? We may be able to help Click Here Now to Learn More

RecovaDebt Blog

Bara Finance and Investment Limited Capital Recovery

No pronouncement was made by the court on the SEC’s request for the convicts to refund all outstanding monies due to their “investors”.

No reference was made to Creative and Innovative Agricultural Cooperative Society Limited, which is a subsidiary of the convicted company working hand-in-glove with them on their “investment” programs.

We felt that something was not right and that the matter should not end there.

The law requires that restitution be made to the victims of this crime. No restitution has been ordered.

This order is a prelude to an application we have filed before the court to confiscate the funds in those accounts and order a refund to the investors we are representing.

This is a limited duration offer to anyone whose funds are tied up in Bara Finance and Investment Limited to join the above intervention so we can try to get your money back for you.

We offer no guarantee of a full, partial, or any recovery at all. All we offer is a good faith effort to see that you recover as much of your investment as humanly possible.

The cost outlay for this recovery is huge. While we would have loved to undertake this task without asking claimants to pay anything upfront towards the cost of recovery so that our fees come out of any sum(s) recovered, our resources are currently overstretched by ongoing efforts to recover monies lost by investors in several other “investment companies”.

For us to do this task effectively to have a chance of success, intending claimants must contribute towards the cost of the recovery.

In the circumstances, we will require intending claimants to:

  1. pay a non-refundable administrative charge of Twenty-five Thousand Naira (₦25,000.00) as your contribution towards the cost of the recovery; AND
  2. make a written commitment to pay us 15% of any money we recover on your behalf.

This offer will lapse on 31 January 2023, after which, the window to join this intervention will close.

We anticipate that the recovery effort will take 3 – 6 months, with an upper limit of 12 months. We will need your written authorization to act on your behalf. You can give it by proceeding to the next page and giving us some transactional information.

If this is acceptable to you, indicate below by providing and validating your email address and proceed to the next page to give us additional information with the link you will receive in your provided email address.

Authored by Oyintare Dite-Ojoko
Chief Operating Officer
RecovaDebt Limited

Kindly enter your valid email address for validation to begin your recovery process.

We have received your recovery request and we will get back to you shortly!

A - Z of Garnishee Proceedings Part 2


David Hundeyin exposes banking malfeasance in our MBA Forex intervention suit


  1. Can you guys extend the date from 13 January pls? Maybe two more days, I’ve tried signing up but I don’t get any response after providing the required info.

    Susan - January 13th, 2022 11:11 pm
  2. I joined Bara with 100,000 naira.
    How do I pay 25,000 naira and 15% after getting (not full refund) any amount that will be paid to me after this recovery exercise?
    Kindly, reduce this amount for some of us that our capital isn’t in millions

    Ezinne Njoku - August 7th, 2022 12:53 pm
    • Then this intervention is not for you.

      Look for some other means of getting your funds back.

      Best of luck.

      RecovaDebt Admin - August 8th, 2022 1:04 pm
  3. good day can i still apply for recovery

    timothy torjir - November 3rd, 2022 12:58 pm
  4. How genuine is this ? How do I trust you guys enough to release 25k to you where there’s no guarantee whatsoever?

    Okeke Oluebube Eleazar - November 11th, 2022 8:35 pm

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